Site Auditor adds a Dashboard where you can access site content and schema in interactive tables, or for export in various formats (CSV, JSON, XML).

Available Versions

Version Umbraco 13 Umbraco 10 Umbraco 9 Umbraco 8 Umbraco 7
Dragonfly. Umbraco10. SiteAuditor PM > Install-Package Dragonfly.Umbraco10.SiteAuditor

PM > Install-Package Dragonfly.Umbraco10.SiteAuditor

Dragonfly. Umbraco9SiteAuditor     PM > Install-Package Dragonfly.Umbraco9SiteAuditor

Dragonfly. Umbraco8SiteAuditor       PM > Install-Package Dragonfly.Umbraco8SiteAuditor

Dragonfly. SiteAuditor         PM > Install-Package Dragonfly.SiteAuditor


Version Umbraco 13 Umbraco 10 Umbraco 9 Umbraco 8 Umbraco 7
Dragonfly. Umbraco10. SiteAuditor      
Dragonfly. Umbraco9SiteAuditor        
Dragonfly. Umbraco8SiteAuditor        
Dragonfly. SiteAuditor        

Report Bugs and Issues

Please post in the Issue Tracker for the version you are using.

Version Umbraco 13 Umbraco 10 Umbraco 9 Umbraco 8 Umbraco 7
Dragonfly. Umbraco10. SiteAuditor      
Dragonfly. Umbraco9SiteAuditor        
Dragonfly. Umbraco8SiteAuditor        
Dragonfly. SiteAuditor        

Feature Requests, Ideas, Help Forum

Please post in the forum for the version you are using.

Version Umbraco 13 Umbraco 10 Umbraco 9 Umbraco 8 Umbraco 7
Dragonfly. Umbraco10. SiteAuditor      
Dragonfly. Umbraco9SiteAuditor        
Dragonfly. Umbraco8SiteAuditor        
Dragonfly. SiteAuditor